My vision for our community is to be a proud, clean environment with an abundance of affordable housing for all its residents, a robust economy and flourishing arts and cultural scene. My number one priority is to create an equitable, sustainable and vibrant city that serves as a better quality of life for all. We must have a different kind of leadership – one that doesn’t try and pass the buck and leave challenging solutions to the next elected. A leadership with visionary policies to enhance our community’s economic and social health.

I am an experienced, progressive, forward-thinking consensus builder who is ready to lead with optimism and boldness by lifting up the best ideas and implementing them with heart and love for all. I love Alameda County. I believe in its people. As supervisor, I will listen to our collective wisdom, lean in, lift up the best ideas and get things done.
Are you ready to be part of something truly transformative? Join us to help our beloved community manifest its full promise to become a place where we can all thrive!

I love our community. I believe in its people. As Alameda county Supervisor, I will listen to our collective wisdom, lean in, lift up the best ideas and get things done. Are you ready to be part of something truly transformative? Join me to help our beloved city manifest its full, unrealized promise, for it to be a place that works for everyone who lives and works in The Town.
— Greg Hodge, Alameda County BOS Candidate, District 5